The Federal High Court (the “FHC” or the “Court”), in the case of Seadrill Mobile Units Nigeria Limited v The Honourable Minister for Transportation & 2 Others [1] (the “Seadrill Case”), has held that Rigs fall within the scope of the definition of vessels under the Coastal and Inland Shipping (Cabotage) Act, 2003 (the “Cabotage Act”) and drilling operations constitute coastal trade and cabotage, as defined under the Cabotage Act. Based on this judgment, the provisions of the Cabotage Act will now be applicable to Rigs and offshore drilling operations carried on within Nigerian territorial waters. #Oil #Offshore

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  • A Rig is not specifically listed as a Vessel eligible for registration under the Cabotage Act.
  • Augustine Emeka Obiofuma
  • 2 years ago
  • This judgment has significant administrative and cost implications for offshore drilling operations in Nigeria
  • Fatima Zainab Abdullahi
  • 2 years ago
  • It is therefore imperative that operators are mindful of these developments which significantly impact on drilling operations in Nigeria
  • Monday Udoh Umoh
  • 2 years ago
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