Members' Articles

1 year ago in Chemical Engineering

Reversing the charge - Battery power from electric vehicles to the grid could open a fast lane to a net-zero future.

1 year ago in Chemical Engineering

Flow dynamics through discontinuous clogs of rigid particles in tapered microchannels

2 years ago in Electronics

New semiconductor coating may pave way for future green fuels

2 years ago in Agriculture & Bioresource Engineering

Researchers create armored emulsions as tiny test tubes for parallel reactions

2 years ago in BioMedical Engineering

Hologenomics: Retelling the Story of Life

2 years ago in Chemical/Petrochemical Engineering

Using math to investigate possibility of time travel

2 years ago in Mechatronics

Stretchable 'skin' sensor gives robots human sensation

3 years ago in Computer Science & Engineering

New perovskite solar cell design could outperform existing commercial technologies

3 years ago in Computer Science & Engineering

Weather-proof chip aims to take self-driving tech, wireless communications to next level

3 years ago in Agricultural Engineering

VR architecture reveals stunning details, but can't always capture ambience

3 years ago in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering

New green materials could power smart devices using ambient light

3 years ago in Chemical Engineering

Researchers find connection between household chemicals and gut microbiome

3 years ago in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering

Ancient zircon minerals from Mars reveal the elusive internal structure of the red planet

3 years ago in Mechatronics

A robot that can track specific people and follow them around

3 years ago in Mechatronics

Rise of the Robots -- The Future of Artificial Intelligence

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