This article describes the processes of signing in & out or account and resetting password

Siging In

If you have already created an account, you can sign in with your email address, telephone number, or COREN number, if you are registered.

You also require a password you supplied when creating the account.

The sign in tab is located at the top right corner of the page

Siging Out

It is always advisable to completely sign out or all accounts if you are using a shared device such as an office computer.

The sign out tab is located at the top right corner of the page

Resetting Passwords

Passwords are saved as encrypted values in the database to protect them from unallowed access which means that if you forget your password, we would not be able to decrypt it and return it to you.

The alternative is to create a new password.

Firstly, you would be asked to enter either of your registered email address, telephone number, or COREN number, if you are a registered.

Next, we would send you an OTP, also known as one-time password.

In the next screen presented, simply enter this OTP and a new password.

If the OTP is confirmed, your new password would be encrypted and saved.

This article was last updated on on Wednesday, 20 January 2021 at 04:25:41 PM

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